Pattern for Rupee and blue pokerose design.
From there, I got the go ahead to make a bigger bouquet and but they wanted an extra something special. It was requested a silver Rupee from the Zelda games, but sculpey seemed too heavy of an option and I looked to the internet for a pepakura option and found this design:
Thank you Christophine, its just what I was hoping for! I went ahead and cropped the image to print as big as possible.
After putting the print out on top of the card stock (it was a brushed silver metalic design), I cut out the shape and cut the slits for the fold tabs and folded all the tabs so it can be assembled. I used my ruler to keep the lines crisp when folding. Pretty much from there, you glue the tabs to their matching other side. I used hot glue and it worked .. ok. I think a stronger super glue that is less bulky might be preferred in the future.
I wanted the client happy so I ended up covering it in a plastic layer and melting the edges with more hold glue and then painting details on top of it, but its still a work in progress in my mind. But if I feel I can effectively make Rupees and offer then as a bouquet add on, I would like that!
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