Color Contest - Metroid

I'm really excited to be working alongside a coworker of mine to make some nerdy plushies and we are hoping you will help out! Every month we will be putting out coloring sheets of pixel sprites that will be in need of some color. You can opt to color the image on the computer by any means you like, or to print out the image, color it and scan the colored product back in! We will be accepting entries from June 1-June 14th and voting will be from the 15th-22nd of June. The winning submission will get a free plushie of their metroid design. We do intend to sell plushies of these colored submissions, so by participating in the contest, you are agreeing to have your submission printed on fabric and purchased by others. Once you submit a design, I will make it available for the rest of the month for preorder and the plushie will be sent out at the beginning of the next month. They will roughly be a foot in size and stuffed with polyfill. After the contest is over, the winning design will continue to be sold on Etsy, and the contest's designs will be left uploaded to so that you can continue to print and sew the designs for your very own. Each month will end with a tutorial on how to make the plushie for yourself.

You can access the digital coloring sheets at this google doc folder:

Or save them to your computer:
Its ok to color outside the lines as we will be printing the winning submission onto minky fabric and sewing it into a metroid plushie. The winning submission will get a free minky plushie of their own design.

Message me on facebook with any questions and contest submissions!


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