Second Meal Blue Apron! Pan-Seared Cod on Curry Basmati Rice and snap peas

Second meal was just as tasty as the first. We were very pleased again with the organization of the ingredients, simple instructions and final product.
My picture isn't as pretty as the official one, but I think you can see it was close before I took my first bite and then remembered to take a photo! The flavor was nicely different from the first meal of Ground Turkey Dumpling Sandwiches.  I think the thing that most excites us is the new ingredients. In this meal you use a ghee, which the website explains as "a special Indian ingredient, is a lot like clarified (or drawn) butter. It's clearer, lacking the milk solids and water found in normal butter. This means two things. First, the taste is much richer than that of butter. Second, because ghee doesn't contain milk solids, it won't brown or burn the way normal butter does. It can be heated to extremely high temperatures and maintain its full, clean flavor." We tasted a little before cooking with it and it was really tasty. In the meal before, we cooked with gochugaru (Korean chili flakes) for the first time. Its these unique spices and ingredients that really lights up our taste buds and expands out food knowledge. I echo my sentiments, that this is greatly worth the $10 a meal price tag to us. I'm excited to cook the final meal tomorrow!


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