Paradox Beer Co - Skully Barrel No. 26

So since I discovered I liked sour beers, Nov 19th in Hood River City - I have had an unquenchable desire to try them all. When you hear the term "sour" it really leaves little to be tried or bought - but one taste and I was sold. I like fruit flavors, but I don't like the super sweetness of ciders. I don't like beers, but often enjoy the after tastes. I kind of like wine in that forced adult beverage with dinner kind of way, opting for Malbecs, Vinho Verdes or Pinot Grigio. Wine is about to take a back seat to my new alcoholic fruit love.

Yesterday I tried the  Skully Barrel No.26 Salted Mango Chili Sour, and although this hasn't been my favorite, this company really has be excited to try more. I think I was only disappointed that I didn't taste the mango more - but I was also eating Mango Habanero buffalo wings and swallowing the beer down like these was no tomorrow seeking relief from the spicy food. So lesson learned, but the beer was tart and easy to drink and I want to try more. On their beer list, they have 36 batches listed and seem to put out one or two flavors a month. This is very exciting! I only hope more of their product makes its way to Washington state for my consumption!

This is label I screen-capped from their website. I love how thorough the description is and the food suggestions. I would personally rate this beer:


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